The purpose of the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) is to protect public health by minimizing lead and copper levels in drinking water. Lead and copper enter drinking water mainly from corrosion of lead and copper containing plumbing materials. The rule establishes action levels (AL) for lead and copper based on a 90th percentile level of tap water samples. An action level exceedance is not a violation but triggers other requirements to minimize exposure to lead and copper in drinking water, including water quality parameter monitoring, corrosion control treatment, source water monitoring/treatment, public education, and lead service line replacement. All community water supplies and nontransient noncommunity water supplies are subject to the LCR requirements.
To avoid missing steps or deadlines, use this checklist to prepare for and conduct lead and copper tap sampling and report results to EGLE.
depiction of homes with service lines and water mainSite selection criteria were updated in 2018 to place more emphasis on sites with lead service lines. Review the updated Sample Site Collection Criteria to confirm the sites in your sampling pool still meet proper tiering criteria.
street signs of Front St and Ridge St intersectingWater supplies must submit to EGLE a Sampling Plan that contains a pool of properly tiered lead and copper tap sampling sites.
Sampling plans should now be submitted through MiEHDWIS. You will enter site information directly into the system. Create a Lead and Copper Sample Site Plan activity and you will be tasked with filling out the MiEHDWIS form. For more information on MiEHDWIS, visit
General Information
Sampling Plan Instructions and Guidance
Sampling Plan Form