Whether or not you have to report your tax receipts at the actual flea market at which you sell, keeping tax records is a good idea. The records help you to send the right amount of money in to the sales tax authority in your location. Tax records also help you balance your transactions between sales receipts and sales tax expenditures so that you report all of your expenses accurately on your income taxes.
Your responsibility to collect taxes varies depending on the type of business you're in, the number of flea markets you sell at and the state in which you're located. Sometimes, you'll need to collect the taxes yourself and send them in. In other cases, the organization that rents you the space is the legal seller. They'll give you an envelope for you to give them the taxes that you collect at the end of the day. If you do this, it's particularly important to get a receipt so that you can balance out your sales receipts with the taxes that you give them. Otherwise, you could end up having to pay tax on the income you received without being able to write off the sales taxes that you remitted.
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