Special Education Operating Guidelines

Psychological services as defined by IDEA include some services not defined strictly as psychological in nature and therefore can be appropriately provided by other trained personnel including behavior specialists, school social workers, diagnostic specialists, interns and counselors. These would include gathering information about student behavior, behavioral program planning, educational testing, and developing behavioral intervention strategies.

In Texas, certain services are defined by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists (TSBEP) as 'psychological services' in the schools and therefore can only be provided by those individuals licensed as an LSSP by the TSBEP. Specialist in School Psychology Interns supervised by an LSSP may also provide psychological services.

An ARD/IEP committee is responsible for determining the appropriateness of psychological services as a related service based on the individual educational needs of a student, regardless of the disability categories, and with the recommendations and expertise provided by the professionals involved in assessing these services. Parents are invited to participate in the ARD/IEP committee decision-making process. Related services are provided to an eligible student with a disability at no cost to the parent or guardian.

What We Do

Counseling and Psychological Services as a Related Service in the IEP

When an ARD/IEP Committee determines the need for counseling or psychological services to support the student's special education program, a specially designed counseling or psychological services program is included as part of the student's IEP. The supports and services provided are documented on IEPs and indicated as part of the progress reporting system to parents and adult students. The goals for services:

Counseling Services may be provided by:

Psychological Services may be provided by:

In Texas, certain services are defined by the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists (TSBEP) as 'psychological services' and therefore can only be provided by those individuals licensed as an LSSP by the TSBEP. Specialist in School Psychology Interns supervised by an LSSP may also provide psychological services.

Service Delivery