How to renew SC concealed carry permit?

To renew your South Carolina concealed carry permit, you must submit an application to the State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) along with a current training certificate and a $50 renewal fee. You can apply as early as 90 days before your permit expires, but no later than 60 days after it expires.

FAQs about SC Concealed Carry Permit Renewal

1. Can I renew my SC concealed carry permit after it has expired?

Yes, you have up to 60 days after your permit expires to renew it. However, you cannot carry concealed during this grace period.

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2. How long does it take to process a renewal application?

The renewal process usually takes 90 days or less from the time SLED receives your completed application.

3. Do I need to retake the training course to renew my permit?

No, you only need to provide a current or expired training certificate from an approved instructor when you submit your renewal application.

4. Can I renew my SC concealed carry permit online?

Yes, you can apply for renewal online through the SLED CWP online application portal.

5. What happens if I fail to renew my permit before it expires?

If your permit expires, you will have to restart the entire application process, including the training course and background check.

6. Can I carry concealed while waiting for my renewal application to be processed?

No, once your permit expires, you cannot legally carry concealed until you receive your renewed permit.

7. Is there a grace period for renewing my SC concealed carry permit?

You have up to 60 days after your permit expires to renew, but you cannot carry concealed during this grace period.

8. Do I need to provide proof of residency when renewing my permit?

No, you do not need to provide proof of residency when renewing your SC concealed carry permit.

9. Can I renew my permit in person at a SLED office?

Yes, you can renew your permit in person at a SLED office, or online through their CWP online application portal.

10. What if I have a name or address change since my last permit was issued?

If you have had a name or address change, you must update this information with SLED before renewing your permit.

11. How long is the renewal period for a SC concealed carry permit?

The renewal period for a South Carolina concealed carry permit is typically 5 years.

12. Can I apply for renewal if my permit has been suspended or revoked?

No, if your permit has been suspended or revoked, you must wait until it is reinstated before applying for renewal.

13. What is the renewal fee for a SC concealed carry permit?

The renewal fee for a South Carolina concealed carry permit is $50.

14. Can I check the status of my renewal application online?

Yes, you can check the status of your renewal application through the SLED CWP online application portal.

15. Can I carry concealed in other states with my SC permit while waiting for renewal?

It is advisable to check the reciprocity laws of the other state to determine if your SC concealed carry permit is still valid while waiting for renewal.

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About Gary McCloud

Gary is a U.S. ARMY OIF veteran who served in Iraq from 2007 to 2008. He followed in the honored family tradition with his father serving in the U.S. Navy during Vietnam, his brother serving in Afghanistan, and his Grandfather was in the U.S. Army during World War II.

Due to his service, Gary received a VA disability rating of 80%. But he still enjoys writing which allows him a creative outlet where he can express his passion for firearms.

He is currently single, but is "on the lookout!' So watch out all you eligible females; he may have his eye on you.